Wallpaper Sample Eldblomman
Josef Frank's wallpaper Paradiset (The Paradise) is a utopian constellation of flowers, fruits, butterflies, birds, and fish. A paradise tree that blooms and bears fruit simultaneously. One could easily think that a pattern like Paradiset was born entirely out of Josef Frank's creative imagination, but each motif can be traced to a source in nature or the history of art.
Josef Frank always designed different kinds of prints for specific purposes. He never used fabric patterns for wallpapers or wallpaper patterns for fabrics, but made sure that each pattern had a unique use.
Josef Frank”Bright colours and powerful patterns can take away the feeling of confinement.
Even a pokey little cubicle can become exciting with striking wallpaper.”
For nearly 170 years, contemporary wallpapers have been produced by the Åsunden lake in Västergötland, Sweden. In Ulricehamn’s Wallpaper Factory, employees work to preserve artisanal traditions to bring that heritage into the future.
Austrian designer and architect Josef Frank has had an enormous impact on the history of Swedish design. Despite being nearly 50 years old when emigrating to Sweden, he is now considered one of the country’s most important designers of all time.